So you’re just getting into Rogue Company and you’re getting your ass handed to you on a platter? I get it, I was there too at one point and I realize that the only tried and true method to getting better is to practice. But sometimes, just throwing yourself at a wall without direction can be frustrating and the last thing I want is for any of you out there to get frustrated and not play this amazing game that Hi Rez has put together. So today I’m going to give you beginners out there 7 tips to bring your game to a place where you don’t have to hang your head in shame everytime you look at the scoreboard. For you more advanced players out there, don't think I’ve forgotten about you. There will be a guide later this week outlining some tips for more experienced players to take advantage of. If you’re on the ground floor looking to claw your way to the top of the leaderboard, this one’s for you. Let’s get started.
Headshots win duels
Most shooter games these days give a headshot multiplier bonus and Rogue Company is no different. When aiming, you’re always going to want to aim for the head if you can. It’s a good habit to start if you play shooters and it will win you so many fights. Don’t be too quick to shoot someone if you can take that extra moment to aim and secure a few headshots. Eventually it’ll become second nature.
Aiming down sights is always going to be your more accurate option at a distance because it helps you control recoil, there are drawbacks though. Not only does ADSing slow your movement speed without the perk, it also limits your CQC ability. You aren’t always able to fight at a distance. At one point or another someone will rush you. They’re going to get in your face and you’re going to want to put em down as quickly as possible. Learn to fire from the hip to really make use of the corners and some of the more close range weapons in this game. Make sure your sensitivity is comfortable for you and it’ll make this easier. There are also weapon upgrades to make this more manageable.
Use Corners
Rogue Company is a third person shooter so the camera is positioned over the players shoulder unlike a lot of the most popular tactical shooters out there. The camera can be moved around to check your surroundings and you’re going to want to do so on the regular. Combining this with walls or a corner can let you get a huge advantage in a gunfight. Using a corner to fire down a lane is common in this game. Ducking swiftly behind a corner can break your opponents line of sight and give you a chance to regroup. If an opponent isn’t aware, it’s easy to pop out from behind a corner for a quick down or two. Corners = cover and you are almost always going to want to have cover.
Please for the love of all that is holy, get into the habit of reviving teammates whenever you can. I get that there are times when the revive would be too risky and if you’re not reviving then, that’s absolutely fine, but don’t sit in your scope as Phantom or Saint (especially Saint) when I’m on my knees begging for a pickup. Revives win games especially right now when not enough people do it like they should. The team that looks out for each other will likely be the one that comes out on top.
This game has the ability to ping and even though the system might not be a advanced as something like Apex Legends but you can do basic things like direct your team with a single press or point out and enemy with a double tap. Now I’m not going to sit here and demand that everybody uses a mic. I’m sure you micless folk out there have a good reason for bringing the rest of the team down but if you’re not going to talk, at least ping when you’re firing or after you die. You can prevent a lot of deaths by pinging when you die to a flanking enemy. Just don’t spam the ping and end up the boy who pinged wolf.
Watch Your Minimap
Your minimap at the top left of your screen is an important tool to victory that a lot of people don’t use. This is a tip for Rogue Company but it also applies to just about any shooter that utilizes a minimap. It helps you learn the map for one, so thats a plus, but the real reason the minimap is so important is so you can pay attention to where both teams are. Your team appears as green arrows on the minimap and as they move the arrow moves. When their arrow turns to a green dot they are downed, and when it turns to a skull that is where they just died. When your opponent fires, assuming they don't have the perk to hide themselves, they show up as a red dot on your minimap. These indicators can tell you when your team is in a good position to push or alert you of an incoming flank
Take It Slow
Rogue Company is the closest thing to a third person tactical shooter that we have and definitely the closest thing to a tactical shooter (besides siege) that many on console have available to them. These games are played at a slower pace than a lot of the most popular shooters. If you watch gameplay of CS GO or Valorant, you’re not going to see players running headfirst into the middle of the battlefield. They aren’t afraid to watch and wait for their opponents to make a mistake so they can capitalize. Rogue Company is more casual than these games, but very similar at it’s core. Time to kill is not long, and it’s even shorter when you’re on the wrong end of a firing squad. Take corners wide and slow. Watch the point and check for movement. Wait for your team to get good positioning. Don’t be that person who rushed out and gets lasered immediately
Rogue Company has just gotten started and has so much potential as a game. That means every player that downloads it has potential to wreck lobbies. I hope these tips put all you newbies out there in a position to succeed. just know that if it doesn’t all come together right away, it will eventually. Remember, the most important ingredient in the recipe to success is time.
Guys I’m MrEMP and I’m signing off for EyeMakePlaysTV. Keep it locked right here so that eventually, you can make plays like me! If you wanna see make plays live go over to my Twitch channel, MrEyeMakePlays. Links to that and my social media tags will be down in the description. Thank you all for watching this vid. See you next time for more Rogue Company content.